
20/12/2024 | ChiZmi
The holiday days for all offices and partners of Econt are December 25th (Wednesday), December 26th (Thursday), and January 1st (Wednesday). You can seek our assistance on December 24th (Tuesday) and December 31st (Tuesday) until 3:00 PM in all offices across the country.

15/03/2023 | ChiZmi
Among the assortment of goods in the store, we have also added women's watches! Of renowned world-famous brands that have proven themselves with quality and design.

17/12/2024 | ChiZmi
Patent leather is perhaps one of the most recognizable leathers because of its glossy finish. Typically, a real leather is coated with a layer of lacquer or plastic to give the patent leather its shine.
It is most commonly used for items like shoes and leather bags and was originally a luxury seen mostly in high-end fashion houses.

29/11/2024 | ChiZmi
Ankle boots are women's footwear that are a middle ground between shoes and boots, covering only the ankle, so in English they are called Ankle Boots.
Thigh-high boots are high boots with a shaft up to the knee and with a special flare that covers the knee. The name comes from the French bottes fortes (strong boots). In the English world they are simply called boots over the knee.

Месец май идва, изпълнен с празнични дни. В България заедно ще посрещнем:
Ден на труда – 1 май (сряда)
Великден – 5 май (неделя)
Гергьовден, Ден на храбростта и празник на Българската армия – 6 май (понеделник)
Ден на Българската просвета, култура и славянската писменост – 24 май (петък).

Във връзка с предстоящите празници Ви информираме за работното време на Спиди:

10/02/2023 | ChiZmi
Tonight, 10/02/2023, the technical team will perform unplanned maintenance in our virtual data center to fix technical problems in the internal network in use by your cloud infrastructure. Please expect between 60 and 90 minutes of disruption to network services in the time frame between Friday, 7.30 PM (EET) and Saturday, 04.30 AM EET. The virtual cloud server and infrastructure should be inaccessible for up to 90 minutes.

02/02/2023 | ChiZmi
After adding language versions for three Balkan countries (Bulgaria, Greece and Romania), we are pleased to announce that the Russian language version of our site is ready for all Russian-speaking citizens of the European market.