About Us
ChiZmi is an innovative, fast-growing online store specializing in offering a limited number of quality models of women's boots and shoes of renowned European and American brands.
We focus on the challenging stage boots above the knee (boots), suitable for restaurants, bars and nightclubs.
We also offer suitable additions and accessories such as women's leggings, socks, etc.
The store is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or 365 days a year from absolutely anywhere. There is a great variety of everything. Do not hesitate to order!
We want our customers to remain satisfied, so we try to offer goods made of high quality fabrics and at the same time at affordable prices. We have relied on a variety of models to be modern and stylish.
We are constantly expanding the products we offer in accordance with the latest fashion trends.
ChiZmi (chizmi.com) is an online store of 3592BG LTD, UIC: 204498066, EORI: BGC204498066ZZZZ5, entered in the "Register of personal data controllers and the registers kept by them" with identification number 434594.